Friday, July 10, 2009

Be Content

I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.

Philippians 4:11 (NIV)

I really like this verse, because it talks about the fact that all we need is God's grace. It's not what we have, but what we do with it that matters.

But for us, coming off Kairos, it takes on additional meaning. We can be content in what we have. Yes, we miss Kairos, but we have the memories. We have the growth in our faith. We can be content in that growth and nurture it by going to church, being involved, having fellowship with others.

Even though we aren't at Kairos, we carry it with us. A tangible piece of that is the relationships we take back. The people from our small groups that we meet. The people we stay in contact with. We go to church because we are social creatures. Some people like more contact, some less, but everyone wants to be part of a group that accepts them, and that is what is so wonderful about Kairos.

We can be content in what we have. I'm happy with what I have. The best part of Kairos is the relationships that I develop. They are a large part of what sustains me both in my faith and in my life.

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