Wednesday, September 30, 2009

What is Faith?

Today's post is a bit different. Today and for the next several days I'm going to be posting the personal reflection exercises I am writing for an overnight our church youth will be doing in a couple weeks. There are still verses to read, but if you like this may be a chance to get a little more involved. Take the time to pull out a journal, a notebook, a scrap of paper, or pull up your blog, or a facebook note and spend 20 minutes writing your own thoughts down. You can share them if you want, but this reflection time is for you. If you find you have things you want to discuss, you know where to find me. :)

What is Faith?

The dictionary has many definitions of the word, "faith".


1. confidence or trust in a person or thing: faith in another's ability.
2. belief that is not based on proof: He had faith that the hypothesis would be substantiated by fact.
3. belief in God or in the doctrines or teachings of religion: the firm faith of the Pilgrims.
4. belief in anything, as a code of ethics, standards of merit, etc.: to be of the same faith with someone concerning honesty.
5. a system of religious belief: the Christian faith; the Jewish faith.
6. the obligation of loyalty or fidelity to a person, promise, engagement, etc.: Failure to appear would be breaking faith.
7. the observance of this obligation; fidelity to one's promise, oath, allegiance, etc.: He was the only one who proved his faith during our recent troubles.
8. Christian Theology. the trust in God and in His promises as made through Christ and the Scriptures by which humans are justified or saved.

The root of the word "faith" is the latin fidere, which means "to trust". What does the word "faith" mean to you? What is your faith? What do you believe in?

Read the following verse from Hebrews 1:11 and then take 20 minutes to reflect upon your own faith. Write your thoughts in your journal.

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.

Hebrews 11:1 (NIV)
Previous Reflection:
Next Reflection:

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Love Eternal

15 "Can a mother forget the baby at her breast
and have no compassion on the child she has borne?
Though she may forget,
I will not forget you!

16 See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands;
your walls are ever before me.

Isaiah 49:15-16 (New International Version)

There's more that dances on the prairies
Than the wind
More that pulses in the ocean than the tide
There's a love that is fiercer
Than the love between friends
More gently than a mother's
When her baby's at her side
- Rich Mullins, If I Stand

These verses are God responding to His people's cry that He has forsaken them. He says that he will love us more than a mother loves her child - never forgetting us no matter what. It is a love eternal. This passage is one of comfort and hope.

This is the last set of verses and lyrics for Rich Mullins' song, If I Stand. The song has always been one of comfort to me, even though it's a somewhat sad and slow tune. The verses he ascribes to his lyrics speak of God's greatness, the eternal reward of heaven, his love for us. They speak of hope, comfort and love.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Weeping for Our Home

1 By the rivers of Babylon we sat and wept
when we remembered Zion.

2 There on the poplars
we hung our harps,

3 for there our captors asked us for songs,
our tormentors demanded songs of joy;
they said, "Sing us one of the songs of Zion!"

4 How can we sing the songs of the LORD
while in a foreign land?

5 If I forget you, O Jerusalem,
may my right hand forget its skill .

6 May my tongue cling to the roof of my mouth
if I do not remember you,
if I do not consider Jerusalem
my highest joy.

Psalm 137:1-6 (New International Version)

But if I weep let be as a man that is longing for his home.
- Rich Mullins, If I Stand

This passage makes me think of how we often forget how awesome heaven is in comparison to where we are now. When we enjoy where we are - and what we're doing - we lose sight of our ultimate goal. At the same time, this verse says to me - anything you weep for, it is less than the grief of not being in heaven. It is both a comfort and a warning.

It is very easy to say, "Try your best and you will go to Heaven." It's a comforting thing to think. However that is a simplification of the concept of grace. This verse speaks poetically of the woe of those far from their homes. God's grace gives us a place in heaven and the Bible tells us what our response should be.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

A song of ascents.

© Alyssa Grabinski

A song of ascents.
1 When the LORD brought back the captives to Zion,
we were like men who dreamed.
2 Our mouths were filled with laughter,
our tongues with songs of joy.
Then it was said among the nations,
"The LORD has done great things for them."
3 The LORD has done great things for us,
and we are filled with joy.
4 Restore our fortunes, O LORD,
like streams in the Negev.
5 Those who sow in tears
will reap with songs of joy.
6 He who goes out weeping,
carrying seed to sow,
will return with songs of joy,
carrying sheaves with him.
Psalm 126 (New International Version)

So if I stand let me stand on the promise
That you will pull me through
And if I can't let me fall on the grace
That first brought me to you
If I sing let me sing for the joy
That has born in me these songs

- Rich Mullins, If I Stand

Today's verse is about how God turns our sorrow to joy. Even in the midst of our sadness, he can turn things around. Those are words of comfort when we are sad or depressed. Rich Mullins' lyrics say, "Even if I can't sing about joy in my life now Lord, I can still rejoice in the joy that brought me to you." His grace is abundant, and it is always there to catch us when we fall.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Every Good Thing

14but each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed. 15Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.

16Don't be deceived, my dear brothers. 17Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.

James 1:14-17 (New International Version)

The stuff of Earth competes for the allegiance
I owe only to the giver of all good things
- Rich Mullins, If I Stand

This verse goes back to the question of "Why does God let bad things happen?" Bad things come from sin. Good things come from God. That is a simplification, but that doesn't make it untrue. Bad things happen because we live in a broken world - a world broken by sin. Rich Mullins' lyrics tell us that we don't owe any allegiance to that sin. We owe it to the Almighty. Our verse tells us that he is constant and good, and that is why he deserves our devotion and allegiance.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Law and Gospel

17 The arrogance of man will be brought low
and the pride of men humbled;
the LORD alone will be exalted in that day,

18 and the idols will totally disappear.

19 Men will flee to caves in the rocks
and to holes in the ground
from dread of the LORD
and the splendor of his majesty,
when he rises to shake the earth.

20 In that day men will throw away
to the rodents and bats
their idols of silver and idols of gold,
which they made to worship.

21 They will flee to caverns in the rocks
and to the overhanging crags
from dread of the LORD
and the splendor of his majesty,
when he rises to shake the earth.

22 Stop trusting in man,
who has but a breath in his nostrils.
Of what account is he?

Isaiah 2:17-22 (New International Version)

There's a loyalty that's deeper than mere sentiment
A music higher than the songs that I can sing
The stuff of Earth competes for the allegiance

-Rich Mullins, If I Stand

I've been learning about how we as Lutherans interpret the Bible so that I can teach a class in Sunday school. On of the things Dr. Mark Allen Powell talks about is how pastors are taught to look for both Law and Gospel in every verse they preach upon. I look at this verse and I see law. People will run in fear and cast aside their idols when the Lord comes. Rich Mullins' lyrics talk about the promise of gospel however. Loyalty that is more than just words - it is a truth so true and pure that it cannot be expressed in its fullness. Law and gospel.

Monday, September 14, 2009

A Hug In Words

2 As the mountains surround Jerusalem,
so the LORD surrounds his people
both now and forevermore.

Psalm 125:2 (New International Version)

More that shines in the night
Than just the moon
There's more than just this fire here
That keeps me warm
In a shelter that is larger than this room

- Rich Mullins, If I Stand

This verse is a verse of comfort. I have never read it before and I love how it's like a giant hug in words. God is always there, surrounding us, protecting us. It's not the oppressive weight of Big Brother, but the majestic sweeping of beauty of solid bulwarks that last for eons. God was here before us and will be there long after we are gone from the earth. What images does this verse evoke in your mind?

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Let us acknowledge the LORD

© Meredith Sizemore Photography
3 Let us acknowledge the LORD;
let us press on to acknowledge him.
As surely as the sun rises,
he will appear;
he will come to us like the winter rains,
like the spring rains that water the earth."

Hosea 6:3 (New International Version)

There's more that rises in the morning
Than the sun

If I Stand
Rich Mullins

I read this verse and I imagine standing on a mountaintop, basking in the presence of the Lord as the sun rises. Have you ever looked at a blade of grass and marveled at the detail that God puts into each blade? His creation is a wondrous thing. Where do you see God in your life? Where do you see Him in the world around you? When do you acknowledge His presence?

Saturday, September 12, 2009

If I Stand

8For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— 9not by works, so that no one can boast. 10For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

Ephesians 2:8-10 (New International Version)

In looking for another song or verse that spoke to me, I ended up going back to one of the songs that speaks to me on many levels. The song is "If I Stand" by Rich Mullins. Rich Mullins was an artist that died in a car accident, and his death affected me because as tragic as it was, he live his life for God. It was so clear to me that God called him home. I bought one of his CDs in a music store. It was stuck in the discount rack. It had "Here I Stand" and "Awesome God" on it. When I looked inside at the lyrics, I noticed that there were little scripture references throughout every song. There were 8 passages alone just for this song. So over the next week, we are going to be looking at these passages.

Today's passage was listed at the beginning of the song, and I believe it was meant as an overarching theme for the song. The song is a song of praise and a song of supplication. As you listen to the song and/or read the lyrics, what do you think about? How does it relate to the verse above? This verse is the core of the Lutheran Faith - we are saved by grace. What does that mean to you?

Friday, September 11, 2009

Set the World on Fire

As he walked along, he saw Levi son of Alphaeus sitting at the tax collector's booth. "Follow me," Jesus told him, and Levi got up and followed him.

Mark 2:14 (NIV)

Today's verse is one I came across in Dietrich Bonhoeffer's book, The Cost of Discipleship. Bonhoeffer talks about how in the above verse, Jesus calls Levi and Levi responds. He doesn't come to God asking to serve. He doesn't think about it, or do it on his own terms. He just answers the call.

To continue with the musical theme for this week, I have a song by Britt Nicole called Set the World on Fire. The song is about wanting to serve. The song reminds me of the hymn, Here I Am Lord, but it's a song about answering the call Jesus has given to us.

Jesus calls us. We answer. It's as simple as that.

I wanna set the world on fire
Until it's burning bright for You
It's everything that I desire
Can I be the one You use?

I, I am small but
You, You are big enough
I, I am weak but
You, You are strong enough to
Take my dreams
Come and give them wings
Lord with You
Nothing I can not do
Nothing I cannot do

I wanna feed the hungry children
And reach across the farthest land
And tell the broken there is healing
And mercy in the Father's hands


Take my dreams
Come and give them wings
Lord with You
Nothing I cannot do
Nothing I cannot do

My hands my feet
My everything
My life, my love
Lord, use me

I wanna set the world on fire
I wanna set the world on fire, yeah

Take my dreams
Come and give them wings
Lord with You
Nothing I cannot do
Take my dreams
Come and give them wings
Lord with You
There's nothing I can't do
Nothing I can't do

I'm gonna set the world on fire
Set the world on fire

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Glorious Unveiling

Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

1 Cor 13:12 (NIV)

Continuing with the musical theme we have a song by The Micah Watson Band. If you click on the link to the band's site you can listen to their first album. The first song is the title track for their CD, "Glorious Unveiling". I went to look up the lyrics in the case and found the above verse in parentheses. What a wonderful message.

Before I address today's verse, I want to put in a plug for The Micah Watson Band. My friend Joe is the bassist for the band. He and I met at my first Kairos. He taught me everything I know about U2. :) The band is working on their new CD, and they are hoping to pay for it by selling pre-release packages. If you like their music, I would encourage you to support them if it is within your means. You can find the pre-release in their store - just click here! :)

We often talk about God's grace and how it saves us. Everyone has an idea in their head of what heaven will be like. This verse talks about the wonders of our reward in heaven. Imagine fully knowing. Imagine understanding all the things that perplex you now. We get to find out where gravity comes from. We can ask "why?" about anything and know the answer! Imagine a world where you can see everything clearly - where there is no need for deceit because everyone can see it for what it is. There is only truth.

Sounds good.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Beauty of Grace

Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.

2 Peter 1:2
Today's verse was inspired by music. Specifically a song by Krystal Meyers, entitled "The Beauty of Grace". Take a listen to the song. The message is pretty basic. God's grace saves us. Woo hoo! It's always good to come back to the basics and be reminded of that fact. No matter what doubts we're having, or questions we're asking, one thing remains true: We are saved by God's grace. We have eternal salvation. That's an infinity mile warranty that never expires and is non-transferable, but always shareable. His grace covers all our pain and all our sins. We are washed clean by His blood. That knowledge brings all sorts of peace.

For those who are interested, here are the lyrics, from
Tell me why'd you run?
You say you’re so ashamed
Bruised and broken
Thought if I figured out the mess you made
Then I’d leave

But anywhere you are
Is never too far away
There’s freedom from your scars
The mistakes that you’ve made
The memories erased
Baby, that’s the beauty of grace

La de da, la de da da

Tell me what is love?
I’ll never hold you to
The things you may have done
You say you want new life
In My arms there’s mercy

Anywhere you are
Is never too far away
There’s freedom from your scars
The mistakes that you’ve made
The memories erased
Baby, that’s the beauty of grace

La de da, la de da da

So blow a kiss goodbye
To all the pain you hide

Anywhere you are
Is never too far away
There’s freedom from your scars
The mistakes that you’ve made
The memories erased
Baby, that’s the beauty of grace

La de da, la de da da

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Being Faithful to Friends

A despairing man should have the devotion of his friends,
even though he forsakes the fear of the Almighty.

Job 6:14 (NIV)

Today's verse goes with yesterday's. I found it last week when I was going through the Bible looking for verses about the word "despair". We often talk about how the old testament and new testament are both part of the Bible - and yet as Christians we seem to spend most of our time in the new testament. What struck me about this verse is how it echoes many of the things I've read in the new testament.

This verse talks about not forsaking your friends, no matter what. When they can't ask God for help, you do it for them. When they can't believe, you still believe in them. Jesus said we must also love our enemies, not just those who love us. But we still should be loving our friends.

One of the side-effects for me of reading this verse is I started writing down my prayers. When they ask for other petitions in church, I have a list of names I go through in my head. I generally know what I'm praying for, and so does God. But I realized that I had so much more to say, even for those people. So I started writing them down in my datebook, which has all this space for notes I haven't been using. I carry it with me always, and when I'm praying I can pull it out and read it to remind me of people I want to pray for, and it reminds me what I'm praying about sometimes too. :)

Really though, this verse reminds me of the people who asked me what was wrong and listened and offered me support. I also want to thank everyone who reads these and let's me know that they appreciate it. I started these for two people, myself being one of them. I realize though that encouragement to continue is helpful after a while though. :) So to everyone who supports me, thank you.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Faithful Friends

There some people brought to him a man who was deaf and could hardly talk, and they begged him to place his hand on the man.

Mark 7:32 (NIV)

Today's verse is from yesterday's gospel lesson. It stuck out to me because of a few things. First, because my pastor pointed out in his sermon today that the man didn't asked to be healed. It was the faith of the man's friends that brought him to Jesus. They brought him to be healed. Second, because of the discussions I've been having with many people over the past two weeks.

I have been having a crisis of faith. Not about whether I believe in God, but in what I feel God is calling me to do. Partly it was brought on by the recent division that has sprung up in the church. But I think that issue was masking the other issue - which was my own self-imposed deadlines on doing paperwork to get ready for seminary. What I realized is that I have been trying to make things happen in my time, instead of God's. The same issue I was having with our church is one that I realized was tearing me up on a personal level.

What I learned tonight in a discussion with Juliet Hutchins, is what I need to be asking God for in my prayers. It isn't, "What do you want me to do?" That's pretty clear to me in both my internal and external call. (By which I mean that I feel like God wants me to be a pastor and it's what I want to do, and that people think I would be a good pastor and tell me so.) What I need to be asking, is, "How do you want me to do it?"

I believe that got me through the last two weeks was not my own faith or my own prayers, because I had nothing to say and no will to pray. Instead it was the prayers of others for me. They knew what to pray, even though I did not. Those prayers saw me through. The faith of others helped me, and I just had to share that. After two weeks of not having a Bible verse to share, I suddenly had one I just had to share.