Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.
1 Cor 13:12 (NIV)
Continuing with the musical theme we have a song by The Micah Watson Band. If you click on the link to the band's site you can listen to their first album. The first song is the title track for their CD, "Glorious Unveiling". I went to look up the lyrics in the case and found the above verse in parentheses. What a wonderful message.
Before I address today's verse, I want to put in a plug for The Micah Watson Band. My friend Joe is the bassist for the band. He and I met at my first Kairos. He taught me everything I know about U2. :) The band is working on their new CD, and they are hoping to pay for it by selling pre-release packages. If you like their music, I would encourage you to support them if it is within your means. You can find the pre-release in their store - just click here! :)
We often talk about God's grace and how it saves us. Everyone has an idea in their head of what heaven will be like. This verse talks about the wonders of our reward in heaven. Imagine fully knowing. Imagine understanding all the things that perplex you now. We get to find out where gravity comes from. We can ask "why?" about anything and know the answer! Imagine a world where you can see everything clearly - where there is no need for deceit because everyone can see it for what it is. There is only truth.
Sounds good.
Thanks Doug, you're awesome. Love, Joe