Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.
Galatians 6:2 (NIV)
Continuing our theme from yesterday, of Jesus' command to love one another, we have this verse. This verse talks specifically about how to love one another. Carry each other's burdens. What does this mean? Help each other out. When you see someone struggling with something, offer your assistance. This doesn't mean just carrying the groceries. It encompasses more. If you see a friend who is sad, comfort them. If you see a Facebook status that indicates something is wrong, send that person a message and see what's up.
Those are relatively easy ways to carry soemone else's burden. If you know your friend is doing something wrong, say something to them. Support them if they're trying to quit something they shouldn't be doing. Keep them accountable. Keep them away from that boy who keeps hurting them, or that girl that keeps using them, or those cigarettes, that beer - whatever they need help with. Carry their burden because that is what God has asked you to do. Love one another.
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