But a man who commits adultery lacks judgment;
whoever does so destroys himself.
Proverbs 6:32 (NIV)
Today's verse is second in a three-day series. I have been talking with a number of people about cheating lately, both spouses and boyfriends/girlfriends. Today's verse is for people who are thinking of cheating on someone else.
This verse provides wisdom for those think of cheating on their boyfriend, girlfriend or spouse. If you are so unhappy in your relationship that you will consider cheating, why are you still in that relationship? People who cheat are often looking for consolation and attention. The attention that they end up getting is often negative and hurtful. You can destroy your relationship not only with your significant other, but with friends and family who get caught in the crossfire.
If you are truly unhappy in your relationship, then you should resolve that relationship before moving onto a new one. As I mentioned yesterday, if you start a relationship by cheating, you are eroding the trust for your new relationship before it even starts because you both know that you cheated. If you are dating, ending the relationship should be relatively easy if you feel that is the right thing to do. It will still be painful, but you will be ready to move on.
If you are living with someone, the situation is more complicated. Living together is making a commitment - one that is not easily broken. You should examine why you want to leave. If it's for greener pastures, you are likely to be disappointed after the painful experience of moving out.
If you are married, you have made a commitment before your friends, God and your spouse to stick it out through thick and thin. You should examine why you're so willing to go back on that now. If you are willing to break your word this time, chances are you will be again. Only 30% of first marriages fail. 75% of second marriages fail. When you make that commitment, it is one that should be taken seriously. Jesus tells us the only acceptable reason for divorce is if you are cheated on. That doesn't mean that cheating is a get out of marriage free pass.
Cheating is ultimately a destructive choice for your relationships - both present and future. Keep that in mind when you are contemplating it.
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