Then he sent his brothers away, and as they were leaving he said to them, "Don't quarrel on the way!"
Genesis 45:24 (NIV)
This verse was part of the passage during one of our worship services at the vocations conference. Kate Proctor preached a sermon on it, focusing on this verse. To set the stage, the speaker is Joseph. The one with the technicolor dreamcoat. His brothers sold him into slavery. He became the ruler of Egypt and when they came to him for help, not knowing it was him, he gave it to them - he even gave them more.
Kate's sermon was about the ways in which we quarrel with our siblings, both blood relatives and church relatives. What do you think of when you think of quarreling siblings? Kate thought of creating a wall between herself and her brother in the car seat on long car trips. She also thought of the things that we do to our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, and how we should act towards them.
What do you think of when you think of quarreling with your brothers and sisters? What kinds of walls are you putting up? What can you do to break down those walls - in a loving way? What can you do about the walls that others put up?
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