I urge you, brothers, by our Lord Jesus Christ and by the love of the Spirit, to join me in my struggle by praying to God for me.
Romans 15:30 (NIV)
These words were written by Paul, and they are a reminder that we all need friends. We need help and support and prayer from them. We cannot do things on our own. At Kairos, Nicole and I split our small group into pairs for prayer partners. We ask people to tell each other what's going on in their lives. Then we ask them to pray for each other. It's something people usually aren't sure about but end up enjoying. It's something that's easy to do when you're there, but I doubt many people pray with their friends when they are home.
If you're like me, even suggesting to say grace when you're at lunch with your friends can feel a bit daunting. Especially if they're not all Christian. However usually if you suggest saying Grace, people agree. Though you usually get the joy of praying. ;) So the next time you're at lunch with friends, suggest saying Grace. It doesn't have to be long. "Thank you God," is easy enough to say. If your courage isn't quite there, considering bowing your own head for a moment and silently praying, "Thank you God." You'd be surprised the effect it can have on people.
If someone's having a bad day, you might consider praying with them as well. It sounds hokey, but it helps. It also tells the person you care enough to go out on a limb like that for them.
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