11If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.
1 Peter 4:11 (NIV)
Today's verse is about service. As I am spending my week contemplating how I want to serve - and more importantly - how God wants me to serve, I invite you to do likewise. Some of you are going off to your first year of college. You get to create new identities - be someone different. Who are you going to be? Is church going to be a part of your life? What can you do to make that happen, and not just be lip service that is soon forgotten?
Some of you are going back to high school. You have to deal with the same old stuff you did last year. People know you. It's hard to be different - whether that's change in yourself or standing out from the crowd. How are you going to take Christ into your life when you go back to school?
Some of you are entering the workforce. You will be experiencing the harshness of life. You will be dealing with new people. Some will be jaded, hurt and mean. They will try to crush your dreams. How will you handle them? How will you keep your spirits up?
Some of you, like me, will have the same life you did yesterday. Things haven't changed. Have you? What will you do to show God's love to those around you? Will you forget about church and youth events and the things that seem so far away now that you're back in the real world?
If someone asks, will you talk about your faith?
Will you seek out fellow Christians this year in an effort to grow in your faith?
Will you serve those around you through God's strength, and not your own?
I don't have answers to these questions. I am not you.
God is calling. What will you do?
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